
ShoppingGives | Cause Marketing Software Solution

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ShoppingGives, Charitable Giving Strategies

Thousands of businesses of all sizes – from DTC retailers to Enterprise brands – use ShoppingGives to launch, scale, and optimize their charitable giving strategies.

Key Features:

  1. Cause Marketing Simplification: ShoppingGives streamlines and enhances cause marketing campaigns for businesses.

  2. Social Impact Customization: Offers a variety of customizable impact options, such as store donations and carbon-neutral shipments.

  3. Value-Aligned Customer Connection: Connects businesses with customers who share their values, boosting customer lifetime value and retention.

  4. Strategic Partnership Maximization: Empowers businesses to maximize their impact through strategic partnerships with nonprofits.

  5. Positive Customer Response: Showcases customer alignment with causes and the positive response to businesses' charitable efforts.