Bing Webmaster Tools

Bing Webmaster Tools is a free suite of tools that helps webmasters manage and monitor their website's performance on Bing

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Bing Webmaster Tools


Bing Webmaster Tools, Google Search Console in Bing

If you have a Google Search Console account, you can easily authorize and log in to Bing Webmaster Tools. You can import data with just one click and submit it to Bing search as soon as possible.

Key Features:

  1. Free SEO Tools: Offers free tools for backlink analysis, keyword research, and site scanning to enhance SEO.

  2. Dashboard and Reporting: Provides personalized insights and alerts with a dashboard for site performance tracking.

  3. Mobile Friendliness Check: Features a tool to assess if a site is optimized for mobile users.

  4. API Access: Enables programmatic access to website information through the Bing Webmaster API.

  5. Support and Documentation: Offers extensive support and guidelines to help with webmaster tools and site indexing.